James Sloss

Entry Level Developer

Hello World!

I'm a Computer Science graduate, based in Northern Ireland, with a range of experience in using programming languages, software tools and frameworks.

I love Software Development!

Like my other life long skill, drawing, it is the creation of something from nothing that really excites me.  Although I have experience in different areas of software development, my most recent experience is with the following;

Web Development

Through degree study and home learning I have created several web sites, using experience with HTML, CSS, WordPress, Bootstrap, Django, and Flask.

Excel / VBA

With years of work experience with excel, and more specifically VBA,  I have provided solutions that have automated tasks and reduced task work load by up to 97%. I have also created solutions that incorporate dashboards, pivot tables, charts, macros, automation with VBA and form design for quality user friendly software solutions.

App Development

I used Java extensively throughout my degree, utilising the Netbeans IDE, creating numerous programs. Moved on to using Eclipse to develop simple web applications using Java..